
杜威十進位分類號(Dewey Decimal Classification)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


000    Generalities
010    Bibliography
020    Library & information sciences
030    General encyclopedic works
050    General serials & their indexes
051     American
052     In English
053     In other Germanic languages
054     In French, Provencal, Catalan
056     In Spanish & Portuguese
060    General organizations & museology
070    News media, journalism, publishing
080    General collections
090    Manuscripts & rare books  

Philosophy and psychology

100    Philosophy & psychology
110    Metaphysics
120    Epistemology, causation, humankind
130    Paranormal phenomena
140    Specific philosophical schools
150    Psychology
158    Applied psychology
160    Logic
170    Ethics(Moral philosophy)
180    Ancient, medieval, Oriental philosophy
190    Modern Western philosophy


200    Religion 201 Philosophy of Christianity
210    Natural theology
220    Bible
230    Christian theology
240    Christian moral & devotional theology
250    Christian orders & local church
260    Christian social theology
270    Christian church history
280    Christian denominations & sects
290    Other & comparative religions

Social sciences

300    Social sciences
310    General statistics
320    Political science
330    Economics
340    Law
350    Public administration
360    Social services;association
370    Education
371     School management;special education
372     Elementary education
373     Secondary education
380    Commerce, communications, transport
390    customs, etiquette, folklore
398     Folklore


400    Language
401     Philosophy & theory
402     Miscellany
403     Dictionaries & encyclopedias
404     Special topics
405     Serial publications
406     Organizations & management
407     Education, research, related topics
408     With respect to kinds of persons
409     Geographical & persons treatment
410    Linguistics
411     Writing systems
412     Etymology
413     Dictionaries
414     Phonology
415     Structural systems(grammar)
417     Dialectology & historical linguistics
418     Standard usage Applied linguistics
419     Verbal language not spoken or written
420    English & Old English
421     English writing system & phonology
422     English etymology
423     English dictionaries
425     English grammar
427     English language variations
428     Standard English usage
429     Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
430    Germanic languages German
431     German Writing system & phonology
432     German etymology
433     German dictionaries
435     German grammar
437     German language variations
438     Standard German usage
439     Other Germanic languages
440    Romance languages French
441     French writing system & phonology
442     French etymology
443     French dictionaries
445     French grammar
447     French language variations
448     Standard French usage
449     Provencal & Catalan
450    Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romanic
451     Italian writing system & phonology
452     Italian etymology
453     Italian dictionaries
455     Italian grammar
457     Italian language variations
458     Standard Italian usage
459     Romanian & Rhaeto-Romanic
460    Spanish & Portuguese languages
461     Spanish writing system & phonology
462     Spanish etymology
463     Spanish dictionaries
465     Spanish grammar
467     Spanish language variations
468     Standard Spanish usage
469     Portuguese
490    Other languages
491     East Indo-European & Celtic languages
492     Afro-Asiatic languages Semitic
493     Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic languages
494     Ural-Altaic, Paleosiberian, Dravidian
495     Languages of East & Southeast Asia
496     African languages
497     North American native languages
498     South American native languages
499     Miscellaneous languages

Natural sciences and mathematics

500    Natural sciences & mathematics
510    Mathematics
520    Astronomy & allied sciences
530    Physics
540    Chemistry & allied sciences
550    Earth sciences
560    Paleontology Paleozoology
570    Life sciences
580    Botanical sciences
590    Zoological sciences

Technology (Applied sciences)

600    Technology(Applied sciences)
610    Medical sciences Medicine
620    Engineering & allied operations
630    Agriculture
640    Home economics & family living
650    Management & auxiliary services
658     General management
659     Advertising & public relations
660    Chemical engineering
670    Manufacturing
680    Manufacture for specific uses
690    Buildings

The arts

700    The arts
710    Civic & landscape art
711     Area planning(Civic art)
712     Landscape architecture
713     Landscape architecture of trafficways
714     Water features
715     Woody plants
716     Herbaceous plants
717     Structures
718     Landscape design of cemeteries
719     Natural landscapes
720    Architecture
730    Plastic arts Sculpture
740    Drawing & decorative arts
741     Drawing & drawings
742     Perspective
743     Drawing & drawings by subject
745     Decorative arts
746     Textile arts
747     Interior decoration
748     Glass
749     Furniture & accessories
750    Painting & paintings
751     Techniques, equipment, forms
752     Color
753     Symbolism, allegory, mythology, legend
754     Genre paintings
755     Religion & Religious symbolism
756     Historical events
757     Human figures & their parts
758     Other subjects
759     Historical, areas, persons treatment
760    Graphic arts Printmaking & prints
770    Photography & photographys
780    Music
781     General principles & musical forms
782     Vocal music
783     Music for single voices The voice
784     Instruments & instrumental ensembles
785     Chamber music
786     Keyboard & other instruments
787     Stringed instruments
788     Wind instruments
790    Recreational performing arts
791     Public performances
796     Athletic & outdoor sports & games

Literature (Belles-lettres)

800    Literature & rhetoric
801     Philosophy & theory
802     Miscellany
803     Dictionaries & encyclopedias
805     Serial publications
806     Organizations
807     Education, research, related topics
808     Rhetoric & collections of literature
809     Literary history & criticism
810    American literature in English
811     Poetry
812     Drama
813     Fiction
814     Essays
815     Speeches
816     Letters
817     Satire & humor
818     Miscellaneous writings
820    English & Old English literatures
821     English poetry
822     English drama
823     English fiction
824     English essays
825     English speeches
826     English letters
827     English satire & humor
828     English miscellaneous writings
829     Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
830    Literatures of Germanic languages
831     German poetry
832     German drama
833     German fiction
834     German essays
835     German speeches
836     German letters
837     German satire & humor
838     German miscellaneous writings
839     Other Germanic literatures
840    Literatures of Romance languages
841     French poetry
842     French drama
843     French fiction
844     French essays
845     French speeches
846     French letters
847     French satire & humor
848     French miscellaneous writings
849     Provencal & Catalan
850    Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romanic
851     Italian poetry
852     Italian drama
853     Italian fiction
854     Italian essays
855     Italian speeches
856     Italian letters
857     Italian satire & humor
858     Italian miscellaneous writings
859     Romanian & Rhaeto-Romanic
860    Spanish & Portuguese literatures
861     Spanish poetry
862     Spanish drama
863     Spanish fiction
864     Spanish essays
865     Spanish speeches
866     Spanish letters
867     Spanish satire & humor
868     Spanish miscellaneous writings
869     Portuguese
890    Literatures of other languages
891     East Indo-European & Celtic
892     Afro-Asiatic literatures Semitic
893     Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic literatures
894     Ural-Altaic, Paleosiberian, Dravidian
895     Literatures of East & Southeast Asia
896     African literatures
897     North American native literatures
898     South American native literatures
899     Other Literatures

General geography and history and their auxiliaries

900    Geography & history
910    Geography & travel
911     Historical geography
912     Graphic representations of earth
913     Ancient world
914     Europe
915     Asia
916     Africa
917     North America
918     South America
920    Biography, genealogy, insignia
930    History of ancient world
940    General history of Europe
941     British Isles
942     England & Wales
943     Central Europe Germany
944     France & Monaco
945     Italian Peninsula & adjacent islands
946     Iberian Peninsula & adjacent islands
950    General history of Asia Far East
951     China & adjacent areas
952     Japan
960    General history of Africa
970    General history of North America
973     United States
980    General history of South America
990    General history of other areas


(National Library of Medicine Classification)

Fifth Edition 1994


QS	Human Anatomy
QT	Physiology
QU	Biochemistry
QV	pharmacology
QW	Microbiology and Immunology
QX	Parasitology
QY	Clinical Pathology
QZ	Pathology


W	Health Professions
WA	Public Health
WB	Practice of Medicine
WC	Communicable Diseases
WD 100	Nutrition Disorders
WD 200	Metabolic Diseases
WD 300	Immunologic and Collagen Diseases. Hypersensitivity
WD 400	Animal Poisons
WD 500	Plant Poisons
WD 600	Diseases and Injuries Caused by Physical Agents