員林高中 WebOPAC 線上公用目錄查詢
書 名:I wonder why my tummy rumbles and other questions about mybody /
作 者:Avison, Brigid.
出 版 項:Danbury, Conn. :Grolier,c1993.
稽 核 項:32 p. :col. ill. ;29 cm.
叢 書 項:I wonder why.
I S B N:0862729106 : NT 325
I S B N:1856971031 (pbk.)
附 註 項:Includes index.
標 題 項:Human anatomy--Juvenile literature.
其他題名:My trummy rumbles.
國會分類:QM27.A93 1993

連結查詢 權威標目
書名 i wonder why my tummy rumbles and other questions about mybody /my trummy rumbles. includes index.
作者 brigid avison.
出版項 grolier,
叢書項 i wonder why.
標題項 human anatomyjuvenile literature.
杜威分類法 qm27
ISBN 0862729106 : nt 325 1856971031 (pbk.)

I wonder why my tummy rumbles and other questions about mybody /Brigid Avison..--Danbury, Conn. :Grolier,c1993. .--I wonder why.
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況
預借 國立員林高級中學圖書館/(未記錄) 318386 R047/ 在館中

解剖生理學快速學習/Springhouse原著 ;蔡亞臻編譯.--初版.--臺北市:合記民93[2004]
Sobotta彩色解剖學圖譜/R. Putz, R. Pabst原著 ;陳建行, 陳柏松編譯.--初版.--臺北市:合記圖書發行:合記書局總經銷民92[2003]
Under the microscope. .The human body/Richard Walker ... [et al.].--Danbury, Conn.:Grolier Educational1998
I wonder why planes have wings and other questions about transport /by Chris Maynard..--London :Kingfisher ;Danbury, Conn. :Grolier,1993.
I wonder why zips have teeth, and other questions about inventions /Barbara Taylor..--Danbury, Conn. :Grolier,1996. .--I wonder why.
I wonder why vultures are bald, and other questions about birds /Amanda O'Neill..--Danbury, Conn. :Grolier,1997. .--I wonder why.

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